Master Class

Making Prototyping Decisions

Engaging students in considering decisions when developing prototypes for their designs

Prototypes are a well-established technique to develop a design concept and evaluate its usability, utility, and functionality, and are commonly taught in HCI courses. In this Master Class, we will cover two dimensions along which it is useful to make informed decisions for creating prototypes: (1) Filtering decisions relate to what elements of the design are included in the prototype. (2) Implementation decisions relate to how to create the prototype. Incorporating this topic into HCI coursework helps educators guide students toward becoming more intentional about their prototypes, instead of simply following class instructions or opting for the most common type of prototype. In the Master Class, the topic will be presented, course materials will be provided and discussed, and participants will engage in a hands-on activity to practice the concept and will engage in a discussion about how to apply the topic in their specific teaching circumstances.

Please bring any of the following craft supplies to this virtual event: Play-Doh (or another modeling compound), aluminum foil, cardboard (e.g., a cereal box) + scissors + markers + glue/tape, etc.

Friday, March 10, 2023
15:00 – 16:30 UTC
(10:00 – 11:30a ET)
Check my timezone


Gilly Leshed is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Information Science at Cornell University. She has been teaching at Cornell since 2010, including teaching a large introductory Human-Computer Interaction Design class (200 students) since 2015. Making prototyping decisions is one topic in her class that she has developed over the years and adapted over time to fit students’ needs.

EduCHI 2023 Master Classes are free pre-symposium events open to all in the EduCHI community of practice and colleagues. Participants do NOT need to register for the 2023 EduCHI symposium at CHI in order to attend master classes.